Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sara & Matthew

I would like to thank Sara & Matthew for being so absolutely wonderful to work with at their GRAND WEDDING CELEBRATION! I just had to come into the office today to see the 3200 images we created (and of course to get some online for you as well).

The wedding was truly awesome! The Fairmont Hotel-Chicago (gorgeous), the Larry King Orchestra (unbelievable music-a must have at any wedding celebration), and flowers... (well see for yourself. Keho did once again an absolutely amazing job!)

Here is the slideshow! Make sure you have kleenex handy! Click here... Sara & Matthew


Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful wedding and great pictures. Congratulations. Aunt Cindy

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, the most beautiful and delicious wedding I have ever attended. I am so proud to be a part of such a beautiful and loving family. It was also nice that Uncle Mark got to play a tune with the incredible band. Love to Sara and Matt. Congratulations on lovely images. Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Fabulous wedding! Sara and Matt looked like they stepped out of a bridal magazine. The pictures that are posted are beautiful. We are looking forward to seeing more of them. Our thanks to Lee Ross for preserving these precious moments.
Grandma and Papa K.