Friday, June 29, 2007

Jonathan & Lisa- Chicago Style

Yesterday I had the pleaseure to photograph one of my best friends and his absolutely gorgeous fiance'. We decided to go to locations that really meant something to the two of them. The weather was dark, gloomy and very windy but we pulled it off. here are some of the highlights from the day & eve....

Here's a link to their proofing / slideshow presentation.... click here- LISA & JONATHAN

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jaime & Ben's Wedding Extravaganza!

We had the great pleaseure to work with Jaime & Ben a few weeks ago and create some unbelievable images for them! (yes... I'm a week or so behind). Here is a slideshow presentation that will absolutely knock your socks off! Some of the images have been "slightly altered", but I wanted to show some new creative image processing we have available to us. (Feel free to email me some feedback. I would love to hear your reactions!... (

Click here to see the slideshow... Jaime and Ben

By the way... we are having "issues" getting the images online. They should be up on Monday afernoon or so. I will keep you up to date. Sorry!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Congrats' Stephanie & lane!

We were so lucky to be a part of Stephanie & Lanes wedding celebration! We had so much fun with them! They really know how to PARTY! Congrats' guys! Here's a slideshow some of my favorite images... click here... Stephanie & Lane